Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Go Ahead, you can borrow my toothbrush

They are never at a friend's house one night and on loan from the brush to write? Probably not, if you:

Recurrent infections are often caused by infected teeth brushing teeth. In addition to dental problems, tooth brush can) lead to the formation of bacteremia (bacterial blood infection) that untreated, can lead to heart, endocarditis (Entzündung. a typical toothbrush canattack, various viruses and bacteria, which can then be transferred to a new user.

For example, when the brush holder has the herpes simplex virus, the virus may be 50% on the week to brush up on the left. If you are suffering) in the inflammation of the gums (gingivitis, you can find relief for weeks with a new toothbrush every two teeth. You wonder if it's still ok to share a toothbrush with someone you trust?

What about the shareStarter? Maybe a little 'to cuddle on the couch? The bacteria can be passed between people, but also from other municipalities or silver mouth-to-mouth contact not only with toothbrushes and other dental devices. Did you know that the bacteria that cause periodontal disease from the infected site for youth to be transferred to an infected site of the same mouth? And between a man and a woman, it can transmit bacteria. Parents and children are not immune either, and bacteria canbetween them. The family pet can also serve as a source of bacterial infection.

We now understand that oral infections are not limited to the mouth, but can move through the body and transmitted in this way with other people are. No need to be obsessive about your toothbrush, and you can still get a sample in your favorite restaurant, but for their own welfare and that of your family, you should develop a program for good dental health.

You can remove 100%the bacteria on your toothbrush by immersion in essential oils mouthwash for 20 minutes. Another good way to clean your toothbrush is the UV light. May contain triclosan, an aspect that the toothpaste, a common disinfectant clean brush for your needs, but more recent studies * show that this toothpaste is not very effective in removing bacteria.

What are the best ways to eliminate the bacteria on your toothbrush? Place itUV light, soak in a mouthwash with essential oils, or perhaps the easiest of all, replace the old toothbrush with a new routine operation in a cool place. There is not much you can do kiss, give up because most people do not want ... Only one eye on the health of your mouth mate!

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 949-768-4949 or online at www.SmileAgainDentist.com an appointment with Dr. Nicula.

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